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Monday, January 11, 2010

30 Day Dole Fruit Bowl Challenge

Did you happen to catch the Dole offer in Sundays Inserts?
They are offering a "30 Day Challenge" Promotion!

All you do is commit to eat 1 bowl of fruit a day for a month and then they'll send you 2 weeks of fruit cups FREE!!

All you do is click HERE to enter your email address! Between January 10th-February 10th, all you will need to start is purchase 8 Dole Fruit 4-packs. Better yet, use the $.75/2 coupon from the 1/10 SS to make this cheaper!

After doing so, send in your receipt, UPC codes and THIS form to the address indicated! They also have an instant win game. Try it out and let me know how you do. Enjoy!


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