Thanks IHeartPublix and her friend Crazy Coupon Carol for this deal on Carnation Formula
For those of you who buy formula every week, you know how much it costs. You spend more on formula than groceries for the family. LOL
There are cans at Publix that have $3.00/1 peelies on them. Here is her deal scenario:
$27.99 Nestle Good Start Protect Plus B
$27.99 Nestle Good Start Protect Plus B
-$5.00 (In Ad Coupon)
-$5.00 (In Ad Coupon)
-$3.00 (Peelie MQ)
-$3.00 (Peelie MQ)
$39.98 for 50 oz of formula or $19.99 per can!
If you use the regular orange cans, it is an even better deal :-)
This is regional so I am not sure what Publix has the peelies, but worth keeping an eye out for them.
Also, if you have formula checks than this is a GREAT Deal!
Let me know if you find the peelies at your store!
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