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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Military Coupons

Did you know that the Military can use coupons up to six (6) months past the expiration date? Many of the bases in the states and around the country have programs set up for this. They PX and Comissionaries allow 'MANUFACTURER' Coupons. Click here to read all about it!

Here are a few things to remember:
-They can not use Internet Coupons
-Please allow 3 months on the expiration, because it can take a few weeks for the coupons to reach their destinations.
-Clip the coupons neatly. This will also bring down the cost of postage.
-You will need to fill out a customs form when mailing out of the country. (only takes a few extra seconds).

Just a reminder, Never throw your coupons away.


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