Holy Moly, I just won 30 SwagBucks for searching. LOL
Remember Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day and you can earn Tons of SwagBucks on Friday's.
Not familiar with Swag Bucks or you just haven't made the leap yet? People all over the Swagosphere are Swagging to the tune of Swag Bucks.
All you do is Search just like you normally do each day on your computer and you earn Swag Bucks. It is powered by Google and Ask.com so you will get great results! They have a No Spam policy also so you will not get spammed.The best part is the Prizes. It only takes 450 Swag bucks to earn a Amazon $5 gift card. That is easy to do in just 1 week.
Just think about Christmas. It may seem like a long time away, but it isn't when you are already saving for it. I know many other Bloggers who have purchased their ENTIRE Christmas including a laptop (3 kids and family) with just Amazon, Target and Jc Penny Gift cards earned from Swag Bucks!!!! Truly they did.
I finally jumped on the SwagBucks band wagon 2 months ago and already have over 10,000 SwagBucks.(I have a $100.00 in Amazon Gift cards and I have only been doing it 2 months)
Planning now, makes for a sweet Christmas, Debt FREE. I found myself driving to work the other day thinking hmmm that billboard woud make a good search for SwagBucks. LOL!
SIGN UP NOW!!! What are you waiting for..Think Christmas will be totally FREE this year!
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