In honor of Mega $wagBuck$ Friday, I wanted to share about $wagBuck$ from a recent SwagBucks convert point of view. My friend Mary Lou and I were chatting the other day about Swag Bucks and how she is doing so well with them. So, I asked her if she would minda writing a guest post about them and why she loves Swag Bucks. Here ya go! Enjoy
Remember on Friday's we get tons of SwagBucks
CQ has been writing about $WAGBUCK$ for several months now...
You've been reading about it, possibly wondering, "Is this for REAL?"
Maybe you've been thinking, "There's GOT to be a catch!"
Or, "I'm SURE this is going to 'cost me' something!"
How about, "I simply do not have the TIME to 'do' one more thing!"?
Am I right? Have thoughts like those crossed your mind?
Those are just a few of the thoughts that I had when I first read about SwagBucks. But, being the curious creature that I am, I went and checked it out (briefly). At first, I didn't see the possibilities, I didn't read enough to understand, and I didn't 'sign up'. That was this past winter.
Since then, I've seen a few of my friends on Facebook occasionally post that they just earned a number of SwagBucks by using their search engine. After seeing this a number of times, I then thought to myself, "Self, you use Google several times a day! Why NOT get something back for an activity that you're already doing?"
Finally, less than a month ago I went back to check out SwagBucks, and this time I had already made up my mind that I was going to do this! I signed up using CQ's direct link--because members get rewarded with more 'bucks' when people sign up that way-- and I wanted her to get rewarded for sharing. My only fear was that I am so accustomed to going directly to Google to find information for just about everything; I thought I might forget to use SwagBucks' search engine and miss out on getting points (or Bucks). That fear was quickly put to rest when I found that they have a toolbar to download, and the SwagBucks link is right there next to the search box! YAY for me! I LOVE SIMPLE!!
In just a couple of weeks, I was very accustomed to using the SwagBucks search and have learned my way around and found very simple ways to earn Bucks. Even though I haven't earned any points by having someone sign up using my link; since the middle of last month, I have collected nearly 1,000 points/bucks! Each time I've awarded bucks, it has been anywhere from 6 - 47 bucks just for searching the web using their tool bar! And this Sunday, I already know I'm going to get 50 FREE bucks, because it's my birthday. YUP! Free bucks for turning a year older!
So after just a few short weeks,(only a few) I have enough bucks to trade in for a Hoodie from Levi's, books, Gift Cards from PayPal or Amazon--way too much to list--but a huge range of items. However, I'm not planning of 'spending' and of my SwagBucks yet--I'm going to keep on logging on, searching, taking a quick daily poll (2 clicks), and entering the occasional 'Swagstakes' to gain more bucks to spend on (free)CHRISTMAS gifts!
So, is it for REAL? Yes!
Is there a catch? No!
Has it 'cost' me anything? No!
It costs me nothing, other than my time that I was/am already spending online.
Now it's your turn, are YOU ready to become a SwagBucks convert!?
Thank you so much Mary Lou what a fantastic job you did on SwagBucks. I'm excited just reading your posts.
It is very true it takes no time at all to earn enought bucks for paypal $, Amazon $, Barnes and Noble and so much more!!! (Target, Phones, Cameras..)
What are you waiting for? Can you dream of a debt free Christmas?? You can with SwagBucks
I love SwagBucks because it is so simple!! I have well over 1100 points and just keeping them until the holidays :-) It gets kind of addictive to see how may "bucks" you will win for searching...
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