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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

T-shirt Contest-$25.00 Gift Card prize

It is time for another contest!!!

CQ, Inc is getting ready to order T-shirts and much more!!! (many suprises are ahead).

I would like to do a T-shirt naming contest.
You will actually see your sayings printed on CQ shirts.

***Also, if you have a design you would like to create you can submit that also.***

  • I will run the contest for 1 week, ending July 21st @ Midnight! (Start entering NOW!!)
  • Each Phrase we choose will win a gift card to Amazon, Target/Walmart or a Visa Gift card.
  • You can win with multiple entries, so enter often and multiple times!!!!
  • They can be for baby shirts, Women, Men, Kids, Bags etc.. Anything can fit!


Nanc said...

Hey Tanya!!
OK..here are my suggestions:
*I'm a "free" Queen!!!

*Coupon Queeny rules my Kingdom!!

*I'm a Coupon Princess! (little girl)

*I'm a coupon Prince (little boy)

OK...back to the drawing board!!

Laura Alberts said...

"I never saw a coupon I didn't like."

"Lord....please let the coupons in this week's paper be good."

"They are not JUST coupons, they are potential cash savings!"

"Couponing is like an investment scheme...that works!"

Simply BePaws said...

Got Coupons?

Simply BePaws said...

On the back of one... for those standing in line behind you.... Please be patient... I have coupons :o)

If Coupon Queeny said I can use it, it has to be right.

One coupon at a time, I help my community for free. You can to. Go to couponqueeny.com

Coupons, the new girls best friend.

Spreading the word of coupons is like spreading the word of God, one person and one coupon at a time.

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