WOW this is a really great deal
Thanks to Kraft you can enjoy a night of baseball with your family
Here are the details courtesy of the Kraft site:
Kraft Singles invites you to enjoy America's favorite past time. Just bring your Kraft singles wrapper to the ball park box office (MinorLeague) and buy one ticket you can receive another one for free from Kraft.
Kraft Singles invites you to enjoy America's favorite past time. Just bring your Kraft singles wrapper to the ball park box office (MinorLeague) and buy one ticket you can receive another one for free from Kraft.
Offer is only valid for every Tuesday home game until September 7th. Leave your Kraft Singles at home to enjoy their creamy melty goodness.
Some exlusions apply: This does not apply to Allentown, Dayton, Indianapolis, Lansing, Montgomery, Pasco, Reno, Spokane, Tacoma or Vancouver.
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