Today Publix annonced that they have seen a 50% spike in counterfit coupons.
This makes me a little upset because others that are using the counterfit coupons will eventually change the way the supermarkets accept coupons.
Here is the story from this morning on Channel 6 in Orlando, FL
- Here is the thing...if the coupon if for a large amount, chances are it is fake if it came in an email.
- If it comes to you in a word doc or .pdf; chances are it is fake.
- If it is a .pdf coupon, make sure the title in the internet explorer bar is still the company's website.
- For example: Did you get an email with the Pepsi, Duracell or Doritos coupon in it? Yes it was fake.
I can't tell you how many times list last spring when I was on the speaking tour across the South east, that I heard, did you know you can make copies and cut the expiration dates off???
It was hard to not let my mouth drop open or critisize. I would just gently explain that it was wrong on many different levels and in the end the store looses out.
Here is a website that you can check daily. It lists the counterfit coupons. BOOK MARK THIS
Did you know that if you are caught using a counterfit coupon that it is a punishable offense by a hefty fine or in some cases jail. Even if you didn't know it was a fraud.
This is a gift that we have and couponers truly do help so many in need. Lets try and keep everything on the up and up. Okay I'm off my soap box now.
Coupon fraud is a really big deal. When we (retailers) accept fraudulent coupons everyone loses. It is dead loss to the store, dead loss to the manufacturers, and the customers suffer because retailers create more restrictive coupon acceptance policies.
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