Get a FREE Day at Disney when you volunteer. You have to choose from a list of approved organizations, but there are many to choose from and in multiple states. They are first come, first served meaning, they are available until they are all gone.
What a great way to show your children how to give back. Christmas day this year, we took our older kids and volunteered to serve food to the needy.
The tickets are open to anyone 6 and older. In our case we have a 12 and 6 year old. We will take them with us to volunteer and then one day this year, we will go to Disney as a family.
Here are the details, just click on over and input your zip code for more information.
My BFF from high school was in town this week and shared this info with me and then sure enough I watched a commercial on TV tonight about it. Thanks Debra for the info on this.

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