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Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Feature Added to the Blog

I added a new feature today.
I have been checking out all the Print Friendly options out for Bloggers and had wanted to find a Grocery shopping list type, but they didn't work with my templates so with that said:

I am happy to announce we now have a Print Friendly button at the end of EVERY POST!!!! You can click it and print it or save it as a PDF and add other posts.

I am so excited over this. I too have to print out what I am going to get at the store.



Unknown said...

I love Tanya!!! Her pay "forwards" in coupon deals has saved me and my family lots of mula!!!! Thank you so much Tanya for taking the time and ENERGY to do what you are doing for our community. I know I love you for it as well as I'm sure EVERY one else does!!!

Pattie Peterson
"Penny pinching Pattie"

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