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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hubby is Home

Horray, we are finally home today. The results of the Heart Cath are encouraging and he will follow up with a Cardiac Doctor on Monday and our Primary Care Doc. He has to rest for 5 more days, but he is home and that is most important. Thank you so much for all the prayers, love and support. There is some plaqueing (sp?) of his arteries and hopefully with medication it will be under control. His heart is at the lower side of normal (what ever that means) It isn't as strong as it needs to be, but they assure us that it is with in normal limits and the meds will help. Thanks so much!


Ruth Badraun said...

That's good news so far! Just take it easy and I wish you a great recovery!

By the way, we saved really big on gas. We went from 15 miles/gallon up to 24 GALLONS/MILES in the City!


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