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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Overwhelmed Moms???

I think we need to start a blog on Coupon moms and being overwhelmed. LOL
How do you handle the weeks where you feel like one more thing and you are going to pull your hair out?
I know every mom at some time or another has dealt with this.

Today is my first day back at work after the Savannah show and being with hubby while in the hospital (he isn't back to work yet) and my daycare called. Guess what? Yep, my 2 yr old ball of energy has a fever. So after contimplating what drug I needed,  or if Crying would work, I started laughing. What else can we do right? We can't give up all though I am sure it has crossed every moms mind at one time or another.

I was once asked about that very thing when our daughter Maribelle was ill 2 years ago. We had been dealing with her disease about 2 years and had too many trips to Shands and 2 tummy procedures in 4 weeks to get her well. (I was also in my 1st trimester pregnancy with Wes. A nurse taught me to just laugh. She told me that when it is to much laughter will make it seem like it isn't. What a great thought. I tried it and she was right. I guess when working with such sick children all the time the nurses know what it takes.

Later that month I went on Bed rest for 5 months with our darling Wesley who decided I needed to lay flat to allow him to grow good and strong. Our nurse was training us how to do our daughters IV's at home and I started laughing out loud. At first she looked at me like I had lost my mind but then I had to explain to her why and she started laughing too.

We just have to turn to God and ask him to take this weight off of us and let him take control, but as a mom who likes to control everything that is so hard for us.

What are your secrets to getting thru those times?  I can't wait to hear your Mom'isms ;-)

Have a blessed day!


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