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Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Just when I think Wesley is better up pops a fever. He went to daycare yesterday and at 11 they called me that he had a fever and before I could get there went to 102. Still on the nebulizer and antibiotics so off to the pediatrician I went. Thank goodness I have the best boss in the world to understand all of this.

The side of his neck has swollen up to the size of a gum ball along with the lymphnodes on the back of his head :( I called our Dr. at shands and they are fitting him in today with Mariblle.

So lucky that we have an appointment already today for Maribelle with her Immunologist. They have been trying to test Wesley for 6months but can't because he hasnt been fever free or antibiotic free for 2 weeks. LOL Hopefully today we can get the ball rolling and either get him on the right dose of meds or they can tell me a plan. So frustrating.

I remember with Belle going thru this and actually loosing 3 jobs before she was 3 and diagnosed with this disease.

I will be offline today, but able to check email if you need me


Michelle Calhoun said...

I somewhat feel your pain. My kids both have asthma so we constantly go through allergies that bring on symptoms, along with high fevers, diarrhea...lots of things that daycare/school won't allow them to stay for. Sometimes I worry that my job of 10 years may give up on me, but so far so good.

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