Hello Memphis!
I am so happy to finally be here in town. What a beautiful day it is today.
The weather channel had posted it would be cold today. I came with my coat because my Floriday blood doesn't like the cold and it was a gorgeous sunny day. Thank you Lord for this beautiful day today.
Now, can someone please find my luggage for me? It is somewhere between Miami and Dallas.
Thank goodness I packed my coupon binder with my carry on luggage. Can you imagine a Coupon Queen with out her coupons?
I am happy to annonce that I will be giving away 10 tickets to the Southern Women's show.
All you have to do is post your name here or on my FaceBook page and email and I will contact you with the ticket information. (while on my facebook page, become a fan to get up to the minute updates)
Sign up for daily email updates via Coupon Queeny's blog.
I am so excited to meet everyone. Make sure you stop by my booth (#167) in the West Pavillion.
I will be speaking at 12:30 and 3:30 Friday and Saturday and 12:30 on Sunday.
You can see me on the Celebrity Cooking Stage.
I would love to get a ticket to the Memphis Women's Show, do you have any left??
Laura Alberts
Please send coupon "hands waving in the air"!! Thanks.
Forgeot may email grimmettsandra@hotmail.com! Thanks
I would love to attend this event. This would be an early birthday gift!
I also forgot my email.
I would love to attend.
Amber Ramage
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