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Friday, July 16, 2010

It's a SwagTastic Friday

It is Mega SwagBucks day! Every Friday get/earn double SwagBucks!

Did you know that on Fridays, SwagGuy and SwagGirl give out up to 40,000 SwagBucks. Someone has to win them, WHY NOT YOU!

I know you have heard me post about this for awhile now, but seriously if you haven't joined yet, what are you waiting for? You can earn from 11 – 1,000 from ONE search. The most I have earned at 1 time is 50 SwagBucks, but it all adds up. Our Christmas is already paid for and then some. By just searching and a few other ways, you are able to earn points for doing what you already do and in 1 week, you can have enough points for an Amazon Gift Card, or Paypal, Target and so much more!

Here are a few tips that will help you earn more SwagBucks.

  • Earn $WAGBUCK$ just for searching like you would Google. Something we already do.
  • Earn 1 $WAGBUCK$ for downloading the toolbar (easier to search with)
  • They will award you 1 $WAGBUCK$ periodically just for having the toolbar also
    Earn 1 $WAGBUCK$ for voting in their daily poll
  • Earn 1 $WAGBUCK$ for checking in on your Surveys
  • Earn $WAGBUCK$ for trying special offers, tasks, playing Swago (bingo), referrals and trade-ins.
  • You can trade in your old cell phones and video games for $WAGBUCK$
  • I traded in our old Nextels and earned almost 1000 $WAGBUCK$ for each one

What are you waiting for? Click HERE to sign up. Today is the day Mega $WAGBUCK$ Day.

Wouldn't it be great to have a debt FREE Christmas or just to have the extra Gift Cards. That is our goal a Debt FREE Christmas.


Click HERE to read all my other $WAGBUCK$ posts

Want to earn more? No problem! Just check out their Special Offers, Surveys, Tasks, Swago, Referrals, Trade-ins, uploading pics & videos of your Swag prizes, etc. – and of course Swag codes.


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