Order your CouponQueeny Binder now and get organized!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Creative Design needed

So I am stuck today.
I received the sample of my binder from China last week and love the insides, but the outside is not right. So, I want to know what you want in the perfect Coupon Organizer

Inside I still have the accordion pockets etc.., but what else do you want in a binder?
What is helpful to you?

What would help you in couponing?
I am thinking of some sort of pocket on the outside but that's where I am stuck. Maybe, maybe not.

If everything is inside the binder, would you want a pocket on the outside?

Do you:
Take scissors everywhere you go, if so how many?
Need places to hold pens
Need places to hold shopping lists
Need a key ring

Please give me lots of feedback!
Thank you so much


Praznow said...

yes a place for scissors and pens. Also wanted to let you know that martins foods (giants family) has $.50 blinkie for country crock and kroger has them on sale $10/10.

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