Order your CouponQueeny Binder now and get organized!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thank you Mary, Michelle, Mike, Sharon, Z & friend

Add ImageThank you sooooooooooo much to my selfless friends Mary, Michelle, Mike, Sharon, Z and her friend! It was a huge undertaking but together we made a dent in the 100+ boxes sitting all over my house!

Yep you guessed it..I am getting ready to leave on a speaking tour and have to prepare show containers, prizes, goody bags, binders and more!!

I am truly blessed with the friends I have and how you support CouponQueeny. What a wonderful act of kindness and friendship you shared with me tonight!

One more night and we will be finished.
Thank you again! It means the world to me


Ze' Carter said...

anything for you these binders are great and I want to make sure everyone in the world gets one!

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